Based on the Ida P. Rolf Method of Structural Integration also known as Rolfing. Ida Rolf created a "Recipe" for her work based on a ten series format. Each session builds upon the next as freedom from tension, chronic pain and poor posture are relieved and the body becomes re-aligned from the feet up. The body learns to be supported by gravity rather than fighting it. Many people prefer to have a firmer touch when they receive massage or bodywork and Ida Rolf paved the way for techniques such as Deep tissue Massage, Heller Work and many more that work with the Fascia layer of the body. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds our organs, bones and muscles. It provides the support that keeps everything working together like an orchestra - and when it is injured or bound, our movement is restricted.
Structural Integration allows the body to learn how to work with gravity and to be supported by it rather than fighting it. In this process of "letting go of the old and allowing the new to be present" your body feels younger and becomes more resilient. Old movement patterns that keep us in restriction are repatterned and freedom and length result. |
How I became a Structural IntegratorBiography
Peggy completed her Basic Structural Integration Certification at the Guild for Structural Integration in 2006 and received her Advanced Certification in 2012. She began her training in the healing arts while completing her BFA in Dance as it was a natural blend to start learning and providing bodywork to fellow dancers. She also worked as a Makeup artist in the film industry to support herself while going through College. Rolfing or Structural Integration was the first technique that Peggy was drawn to learn about when a Ballet teacher she was studying under, recommended she receive it for help with a trick knee. After experiencing the pain in her knee completely disappear, she was able to continue dancing and the painful symptoms of the trick knee never came back. A few years later, she received some additional sessions for a car accident injury and was so taken by the results that she began concentrating on preparing to enter the Rolf training. While living in NYC, she attended the first pilot course offered at the New York School for Rolfing and then went onto selection committee with the hopes of being admitted into the Rolf Movement and Rolf training at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO. At that time, the minimum age requirement to be allowed into the training was 25 which was still a few years in the coming. So, she continued studying and working as a Massage Therapist and Makeup Artist. After graduating from Mary Mount Manhattan College in 1984, she began teaching Dance and studying Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage in Hawaii. And returned home to AZ in 1986 where she was very fortunate to have met her Hawaiian Kahu (teacher), Nelita Anderson. At that time, receiving massage was new to most people and only a small number of the resorts in Scottsdale offered it. Peggy thought that she would see if the Boulders Resort would be interested in offering it to their guests and sure enough, they wanted to give it a try. Working as an independent subcontractor at the Boulders allowed her to branch out and begin providing her services at several Resort and Hotel Properties through out the greater Phoenix metropolitan area where she gained experience working in the Sports arena with professional football, basketball, baseball players and their staff. She also worked in the Medical field at Scottsdale Memorial Hospital introducing Massage to the Cardiac Rehab Department and for a Scottsdale Family practice. As a Makeup artist in the film industry, she added "On-Location Massage" service to visiting Film production companies coming to AZ from CA to shoot their feature films. Her interest in continuing cultural studies in bodywork after the passing of her Hawaiian Kahu Nelita Anderson in 1995. Led her to attend a monthly 13 Moon training program in Indian healing in Sandpoint, Idaho starting in 1998. This training resulted in setting up an office in Sandpoint and working at the Spa at Coeur d'Alene, Bonner General Hospital. With the opening of Dreams in Beauty Day Spa in 2000, Peggy began commuting between ID and AZ to work on a once-twice monthly basis. In 2012, Peggy was asked to provide Rolfing SI at a Homeopathic Cancer clinic in Mesa, AZ which allowed her the time to also care for her elderly mother while living with her in Scottsdale. Peggy currently maintains her private practice in Scottsdale and Payson, Arizona and Sandpoint, Idaho. For more information, please contact Peggy. |